
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Some useful batch scripts

Working with scripts is always fun. You can do so much stuffs with so less commands, and if you are dealing with doing some kind of operation on files / directories, sending remote commands, and even running sql scripts, scripts are the way to go.
In this post, I’ve tried to compile some scripts that I’ve used time and time again. Hopefully, this will help others.
  • Calculating current datetime.
    The output of this script would be in format MMDDYYYY_HHSS

    set hhmm=%Time:~0,2%%Time:~3,2%
    if "%hhmm:~0,1%"==" " set hhmm=0%hhmm:~1,3%
    set DATETIME=%Date:~4,2%%Date:~7,2%%Date:~10,4%_%hhmm%
    echo %DATETIME%

  • Creating a txt file with current datetime suffix.

    set FILENAME=Test_%DATETIME%.txt

  • Creating a ftp script on the fly, executing it and deleting it.

    echo open FTP_IP>FtpScript.txt
    echo FTP_USER>>FtpScript.txt
    echo FTP_PASS>>FtpScript.txt
    echo pwd>>FtpScript.txt
    echo put FILENAME>>FtpScript.txt
    echo bye>>FtpScript.txt

    REM Execute the ftp script
    ftp -s:FtpScript.txt

    REM Delete the ftp script
    del FtpScript.txt

  • Splitting file contents with a “space” delimiter.

    for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%1 in (myFile.txt) do (
    echo contents: %%1

  • Splitting file contents by a delimiter, and finding word at a exact location.

    Assuming the contents of file is: My name is Sudhir Chhetri, to find the "Sudhir" (location 4), the script would look like:

    for /f "tokens=1-4* delims= " %%1 in (output.txt) do (
    echo firstname=%%4

  • Check if a variable is null or empty string.

    Assuming my variable name is AAA, the script would look like:
    if "%AAA%null"=="null" (
    REM do something

  • Check to see if file exists

    if exist "C:\temp.txt" echo temp.txt exists

  • Checking number of arguments.

    if "%4"=="" echo fourth param missing

  • Finding last modified file in a directory

    set Location=C:\myLocation
    for /f "delims=" %%x in ('dir %Location% /od /b') do set recent=%%x

    where /od tells to order by date and /b tells to give just filename

  • Running a sql file

    osql -S DBSERVER -d DBNAME -n -i SQLFILE –E

  • Executing commands in remote machine


    Psexec.exe is a part of Sysinternals Process Utilities provided by Microsoft. More info about psexec.exe can be found at


  1. Hi sudhir,
    I am Nirmal from chennai. I need a batch script to uninstall an .exe file and to delete some of the subkeys in the registry without admin access.Can u please help me on this. Thanks in advance.

  2. Hi Nirmal,
    I have used msiexec, and wmic command to uninstall a product. For misexec, you need to know where the msi file is. Alternately, you can use wmic, if the product appears in Add/Remove Programs window as follows:
    wmic product where name="YOUR APP NAME" call uninstall /nointeractive

    To delete reg keys/values, use can create a .reg file, and run it from the bat file. To delete a subkey, you just need a hypen '-', infront of the Registry Path in the reg file. For eg.:

    Hope it helps.


  3. Hey Sudhir,

    I was wondering if you could tell me how to install network printer using a batch file. I have to work in a computer lab and I have to manually install printer in every computer. Is there any way I could run a batch file so that it automatically installs it for me.

